100 days for fat girl диета
Новая диета от фитнес-эксперта Хорхе Круза (Jorge Cruise) напоминает популярные низкоуглеводные диеты. Однако, у Круза другой подход к составлению «правильного» рациона. Диета называется «100», и в этой цифре заключается главный принцип системы питания. Согласно этой теории, для успешного похудения человеку нужно серьезно ограничить «сахарные калории» до 100 в день.
Так называемые скрытые сахара содержатся даже в полезных яблоках или апельсинах. По мнению автора диеты, калории в пище по разному воздействуют на организм. Так, «сахарная» энергия способствует накоплению жира в зоне живота и серьезно мешает обрести стройную фигуру. Подсчитывать такие калории легко: нужно просто посмотреть содержание углеводов в продукте и умножить цифру на 4. Так, если в одном яблоке около 20 г углеводов, то «сахарных калорий» 80. То есть, если соблюдать диету «100», в день можно позволить себе только одно яблоко и больше никаких продуктов со скрытыми или явными сахарами.
Исключите из рациона сахарные углеводы, включите бокал вина и получите идеальное тело
В крупном яблоке — 80 «сахарных калорий», порция риса содержит 250 «сахарных калорий». Зато «вредные» продукты могут помочь: полстакана сливок без сахара содержит 16 «сахарных калорий», а бокал вина — всего 14 «сахарных калорий».
Держать такую диету совсем не просто. Все мы привыкли регулярно получать если не сладости, то хотя бы порцию свежих фруктов. А по теории Хорхе Круза выходит, что придется выбирать между, например, яблоком, крохотной порцией риса или булочкой, а оставшийся день питаться только продуктами с высокими содержанием белков или жиров. Такой рацион хорошо знаком поклонникам низкоуглеводных диет: мясо, сыр, яйца, масло, зеленый салат и некоторые виды овощей практически не содержат углеводов. «Все дело в инсулине, — объясняет Круз. – Все думают, что похудение – это меньше есть и больше заниматься. Калории – это калории. Но как бы мне не нравилось равенство, в калориях это не работает. Не все они одинаковы».
В книге фитнес-эксперта есть и таблицы сахарных калорий, и рекомендуемые продукты. Например, любители сладостей могут приготовить себе диетический маффин без «сахарных калорий». Для его приготовления нужно обычную муку заменить мукой из семени льна, а вместо сахара использовать экстракт стевии. Куриная грудка, обвалянная в кокосовой муке и поджаренная на кокосовом масле также не содержит сахара. В книге рецептов есть даже шоколадное печенье из миндальной муки, кокосового порошка, темного шоколада и орехов.
Возможно, рацион будет даже довольно разнообразным, но без силы воли при такой диете все равно не обойтись. Впрочем, для сомневающихся у автора новой системы питания есть железный аргумент: на диете «100» за месяц можно сбросить около 8 кг. Кстати, недавно появилась и еще одна интересная диета, позволяющая худеть во сне. Ее автор советут один день в неделю питаться только специальными коктейлями — и вес будет уходить даже ночью.
По материалам www.marieclaire.ru
1 day
Breakfast: 2 eggs (one yolk protein 2), 100 grams of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. orange juice, fat-free yogurt ’50.
Lunch: fruit salad, low fat yogurt.
Lunch: 100 g of cooked chicken, 100 grams of rice, a green salad.
Lunch: Baked potatoes, low-fat yogurt.
Dinner: 200 g fish stew, salad, apple.
Day 2
Breakfast: 100 grams of cereal, a glass of skim milk, 2 eggs, a little fruit.
Lunch: 1 cup of carrot juice, 50 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: chicken salad (150-200 g of meat), 1 potato, apple.
Afternoon snack: nonfat yogurt, fruit.
Dinner: 150 grams of fish, 1 cup of cooked beans, salad (you can with low-fat salad dressing)
Day 3
Breakfast: 200 g strawberries, 100 g of oatmeal, scrambled eggs 2.
Second breakfast: a banana, 100 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: 200 g of fish, 100 grams of rice, salad.
Afternoon snack: fruit yogurt.
Dinner: 100 g of turkey, 1 cup corn salad.
Day 4
Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 100 g of rolled oats, 1 cup of milk.
Second breakfast: a banana, 100 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: 150 g chicken, rice ’50
Snack: 1 cup vegetable juice, bran.
Dinner: 120 grams of beef, a cup of corn.
Day 5
Breakfast: peach, 100 grams of oatmeal, scrambled eggs, a glass of juice.
Lunch: 1 cup of vegetable juice, 100 grams of rice.
Lunch: 100 g turkey, apple.
Lunch: salad, 100 g of cottage cheese.
Dinner: 100 g chicken salad.
Day 6
Breakfast: scrambled eggs, 100 g of buckwheat, 1 cup of milk.
Second breakfast: cottage cheese, banana.
Lunch: 200 g of fish, 100 grams of rice, salad, orange juice.
Lunch: baked potato, yogurt.
Dinner: 150 grams of shrimp, salad vegetables.
7th day
Breakfast: apple omelet from 2 eggs, 100 g of buckwheat.
Second breakfast: 100 g cottage cheese, peaches.
Lunch: 100 grams of beef, mixed vegetables (corn, carrots, peas).
Afternoon snack: yogurt, 100 grams of rice.
Dinner: 150 grams of chicken, vegetable salad.
Fitness diet involves 5 meals a day. When caloric about 1500-1600 calories a day, such a diet provides a safe weight loss. Sample fitness diet contains little fat, more carbohydrates and protein. With a diet you should drink up to 2 liters of fluid a day. Even if the balance on your weight increases, okay, then you lose fat and gain muscle. Relying entirely on the scale is not worth it. The main thing is what you look like, look in the mirror, and changes can be judged by the clothes.
Try not to do too much breaks in food, they contribute to body fat!
По материалам bashny.net
Let’s start with, what spoke and wrote more than once: the right food — this is not a diet and not a set of restrictions or prohibitions, and a balanced diet, in which the body receives the «correct» carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the required amount (not more and no less) that allows all organs and systems accurately and without interruption. Therefore, proper diet menu for weight loss in any case should not be limited to two apples and a glass of kefir, and consist of 4-5 full meals with the necessary distribution of calories and proteins, fats, carbohydrates (hereinafter — BZHU).
Yes, the question that haunts many who wish to lose weight, I can not ignore, «and what’s wrong, if I, lying in their 1200 kcal / day, can eat and roll / chips / burger / fries / sandwich with mayonnaise . «Of course, following the simple logic (if you spend more calories than eat), weight loss process will go.
But we should not forget about the main thing: the level of our hormonal levels depends largely on the amount of fat consumed (ie those in which our body needs most: nuts and cold-pressed oils, fish oil-rich), and for the most part it is the fats of non-animal origin ( = saturated fats), which should limit consumption.
Thus, poor nutrition leads to insufficient / excessive production of a hormone, which in turn leads to the destruction of the bone / muscle tissue, poor metabolism, problems with the reproductive system and so forth. Now, I think it is understandable why it is not necessary to replace the menu right power on a roll, «sneakers» sausage — you indirectly affect the endocrine system, causing failures in its work, ie incorrect hormone production.
From «food waste» (fast food, all fried foods, mayonnaise salads, chips, pastries, in a word, the food is high in fat and fast carbohydrates) to 80% increased risk of developing gallstones! Why? .. It crystallized cholesterol (in 90% stones are composed of it!) To blame.
Also, the lack of proper diet is known to many syndrome «lazy stomach» (heaviness, feeling of fullness, present for a long time (!), Constipation) and, consequently, the failure of bile to get into the gastrointestinal tract (it stagnates in the gall bladder, forming a «crystals «- future stones).
It’s all coming back to the question of why it is not necessary, lying in «their 1200 kcal» and not gaining weight, eating what a few years can greatly regret (alas, is an example of many relatives of my environment).
Adhering to a healthy diet, the foundation of your diet should be vegetables, fruits, grains / beans, lean meat, poultry, fish / seafood and, of course, dairy products.
This seemingly small list of products, believe me, you can cook anything that your heart desires. Moreover, to make it tasty, nice, helpful and without harm to the figures.
How to allocate necessary calories for a day (and more), can be obtained from this article. It covered many aspects, so I will not repeat, will focus more on nutrition for weight loss menu.
You can also calculate your own the formulas (Which, incidentally, are a fitness guru and Nutrition) your daily requirement of calories. Remember that weight loss is enough to create 20% th calorie deficit. It is important to stick to this figure, it is 100% guarantee of your success.
I propose to consider the specific examples and variations, of course, with counting calories and recipes of the dishes that do not belong to the category of «simply cut and weld» ????
Immediately I say: of course, it is not necessary to eat for breakfast on Monday porridge if on Sunday you were chickpeas pancakes with cottage cheese and spinach or souffle of cottage cheese and flax meal. You can change the diets of the days in places, I just offer an approximate menu (but with a clear calorie count and a correct distribution of BJU during the day).
Да, меню, разумеется, подразумевает и то, что у многих на готовку в будние дни попросту нет времени. Поэтому кашу для завтрака лучше сварить (либо запарить кипятком) с вечера. Кстати, старайтесь не использовать «быстрые» хлопья, варите цельную крупу: это и полезнее, и чувство сытости надолго (т.к. больше клетчатки).
Мясо, птицу или рыбу советую готовить впрок (дня на 2). Контейнеры с перекусами также советую готовить на кануне. Все просто, стоит только захотеть и войти в ритм!
- Kasha (40 g dry) to your taste: Oatmeal / buckwheat / barley / wheat / corn / rice from brown
136 kcal (Based on 340 kcal / g 100)
Nuts or pumpkin seeds (15 g)
83 kcal
Dried fruits (such as apricots, 20 g)
44 kcal
Boiled egg, 1 pieces. (Optional)
80 kcal
Cup of tea (0 kcal) or coffee with milk (50 ml)
Total breakfast = 381 kcal
- Cup (250 ml) of yogurt or sour milk
142 kcal OR soft cheese 4% (without filler, 150 g)
129 kcal
Небольшая горсть орехов (10 г)
55 kcal
Apple (150 g)
- Cottage cheese is soft 4% (150 g)
129 kcal
wholegrain bread* (2 10 pc = d) cheese (20 g)
*Not necessarily have everything at once, you can «clean» those items that are of no interest to you, or replace them with similar products (eg apple substitute nectarines, carrots, strawberries, persimmons, etc.).
Total undershot = 229-267 kcal
- Chicken breast / turkey, baked in the oven (or stew in a frying pan or a couple, 200 g)
224 kcal
Figure red «Ruby» or black* (50 g dry)
181 kcal
vegetable salad with olive oil (cucumber, tomato, pepper, parsley, radishes, 200 g)
*Rice can be replaced by any other grains / legumes at your discretion (buckwheat, barley, barley, lentils). You can refuse at all, if you are sure that you will have enough lettuce.
Total lunch = 505 kcal rice (324 calories without rice)
- Fresh vegetables and fruits with low glycemic index — GI chart can be downloaded here, At the bottom of the page (I recommend a great salad : морковь, зеленое яблоко, корень сельдерея 150 г)
48 kcal
Curd casserole (without sugar; 150 g)
Total undershot = 189 kcal
- Fresh vegetables, greens (lettuce or slicing, 200 g)
80 kcal
Fish baked with thyme and rosemary (salmon (kcal 142 / 100 g), chum (kcal 138 / 100 g), tuna (kcal 101 / 100 g), mackerel (kcal 191 / 100 g), 150-200 g
280-380 kcal (Depending on the grade of fish)
Total dinner = 360-460 kcal
Total for the day 1664 kcal (I summarized all the caloric meals without giving up any food on the menu, given the rate of maximum calorie portions).
Agree rather big portions, there is always an alternative (some items can be dispensed with, replace or eat less, so as not to overeat), and most importantly — the whole day, you are full and satisfied, and every calorie in its place!
207 kcal
Boiled egg, 1 Unit (optional)
80 kcal
Cup of tea (0 kcal) or coffee with milk (50 ml)
Total breakfast = 325 kcal
83 kcal
Wholegrain bread (2 10 pc = d) cheese (20 g)
100 kcal
Apple (150 g)
70 kcal
Cup of tea (0 kcal) or coffee with milk (50 ml) optional
Total undershot = 283 kcal
207-276 kcal
Buckwheat (40 g dry) optional
128 kcal
Fresh vegetables, 200 g
Total lunch = 405-474 kcal
156-200 kcal
Fruits / vegetables / fruit with a low GI (carrots, apples, blueberries, etc.), 150 g
Total undershot = 226-270 kcal
- Omelet (eggs 2, 150 ml milk, 2 Art. Tablespoons of oat bran or fiber, salt and spices to taste)
240 kcal (Calorie bran and fiber can be ignored)
Fresh vegetables — peppers, radishes, cucumber, tomato — Assorted or choice, 200 g
Total dinner = 310 kcal
Total for the day 1549 kcal.
400 kcal
Tea (0 kcal) or coffee with milk (50 ml)
Total breakfast = 430 kcal
54 kcal
Cup (250 ml) of yogurt or sour milk
142 kcal OR soft cheese 4% (without filler, 150 g)
Total undershot = 183-196 kcal
180 kcal
Azu chicken breast baked OR breast marinated in yogurt and spices (200 g)
224 kcal
vegetable salad with olive oil OR sliced vegetables (cucumber, tomato, pepper, parsley, radishes, 200 g)
Total lunch = 474-504 kcal
156-200 kcal
Cup of tea (0 kcal) or coffee with milk (50 ml)
Total undershot = 186-230 kcal
- vegetable salad (150-200 d) tuna in its own juice (150 g)
Total for the day 1493 kcal.
If you do not exceed your daily requirement of calories, you can add each snack on 10-15 g of nuts, vegetables or fruit / berry with a low GI.
By the way, I do not recommend products to measure by eye, but through the kitchen scales. Prior to their purchase, I thought that 20 grams of nuts — it’s much more than it actually is ????
- Cheesecakes or casserole (without sugar, 200 g)
200 kcal
Nuts and seeds (15 g)
83 kcal
Dried fruits (such as apricots, 20 g)
44 kcal
Cup of tea (0 kcal) or coffee with milk (50 ml)
Total breakfast = 357 kcal
- Fresh berries and fruit (strawberries, cherries, apricots, apples — 150-200 g)
100 kcal
Cottage cheese is soft 4% (150 g)
- Wholegrain bread (2 10 pc = d) cheese (20 g)
100 kcal
Few vegetables (cucumber, tomato, arugula, radishes, carrots and so on., 150 g)
Total undershot = 148-229 kcal
380 kcal
Salad vegetables and greens (200 g)
Total lunch = 480 kcal
150 kcal
Fruits / vegetables / fruit with a low GI (carrots, apples, blueberries, etc.), 150 g
- Cheesecakes or casserole (without sugar, 200 g)
200 kcal
Fruits / vegetables / fruit with a low GI (carrots, apples, blueberries, etc.), 150 g
Total undershot = 220-270 kcal
*Можно приготовить более облегченный вариант, заменив фасоль, к примеру, огурцом. Либо вместо фасоли положить чуть больше печени.
Total for the day 1605 kcal.
I think it’s just the right nutrition for weight loss menu clearly shows that within the average daily calorie norm can be well-fed and happy ????
Interchanging meals from different days, you get a varied menu for the diet for a week (within
Do not be afraid to experiment: Bring in your diet «new» cereals (barley — it is undervalued by many, barley, corn, quinoa), Legumes (chick-pea!).
«Other» types of flour (linen, rice, coconut, Polbyanaya, chickpeas, soybean) Will help you to diversify your breakfast и сделать их максимально полезными. Пшеничную муку высшего сорта при похудении желательно не использовать (это «быстрый» углевод, к тому же — «пустышка» — в такой муке нет ни пользы, ни клетчатки).
Invent salads, combining different vegetables (and vegetables!), Green (radish, celery, cabbage, sea kale, arugula, grapefruit, pomegranate, types of lettuce).
Учитесь «обманывать» свой организм: просит сладкого на ужин XCHARX приготовьте «сладкий» салат из яблока, корня сельдерея и моркови (заправить можно мягким творогом/натуральным йогуртом либо ложкой оливкового масла)
50 ккал/100 г. Также используя steviaFor example, you can cook sweet omelet. And if you add a little coconut and poppy, cottage cheese, fiber or bran, it will sort of «delicacy evening» without harm to the figures ????
By the way, tissue (1-2 spoon) or psyllium (what it is see here) можно добавлять и в кефир, творог, ряженку, их калорийность при этом можно не учитывать (организм не перерабатывает грубое волокно, а использует как «щетку» и выводит вместе со шлаками и токсинами).
I think about the simple rule of «you want to eat — have a drink of water,» repeated hardly be heard all about it. When you eat fat, be sure to drink more!
По материалам en.food-hunter.ru
One-size-fits-all calorie recommendations do not work. They must be customized to each individual.
To accurately determine your daily calorie amount above, enter your current weight, age, height, and gender into the calculator. Do your best estimate of how much exercise you will be doing.
The results will show how many calories you may eat in order to maintain or lose weight. You don’t need to adjust this depending on your exercise rate – that is factored into the equation. The maintenance value is the same as what some people call Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).
As you lose weight you will need to recalculate based on your new weight.
Science tells us that 1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories, so a daily calorie deficit of 500 should result in 1 pound per week fat loss.
In reality things don’t quite work that efficiently!
Generally, a person’s energy expenditure becomes less as they get lighter – meaning that you will inevitably plateau. The amount of food intake that once resulted in weight loss, will now only maintain 2 .
Need help with the basics of weight loss? Read our straight-forward guide.
Always try to aim for the «Fat Loss» daily calorie level.
The «Extreme Fat Loss» level is effectively a rock bottom calorie level. Do not attempt to immediately drop your calories to this level hoping for the quick fix. This may ultimately backfire.
The Extreme Fat Loss level shows the lowest calorie amount
that can be considered. It should be seen as the exception rather than the rule.
It truly is better to burn the fat than to starve it.
Why use the 7-day Calorie Cycle (Zig-Zag)?
Over time our bodies adapt to a lowered calorie level.
Our body becomes more efficient at using energy (lowered metabolism), and therefore burns less fat.
This is why most of us reach a weight loss plateau.
At this point, the only option is to boost metabolism:
- increased cardio,
- weight training,
- ‘cheat’ meals (i.e. occasional high-calorie meals),
- cycling (or zig-zagging) calories,
- even manipulating macro-nutrient ratios can all help to do this (don’t forget adequate sleep and hydration).
You often find that the nearer you get to your goal weight (or body fat percentage) – the harder things get!
Continually dropping calories only serves to lower metabolism even further – the moment you return to ‘normal’ eating – the weight comes back on. The 7 Day zig-zag provides a suggestion for daily calories that will keep your body guessing – and increase your chances of continual weight loss.
It is difficult to set absolute bottom calorie levels, because everyone has different body composition and activity levels.
Health authorities do set some baselines – these are 1200 calories per day for women, and 1800 calories per day for men.
These absolute rules don’t make sense – are you are sedentary person with little muscle mass? Or someone who is tall, muscular, and exercises a lot? Absolute levels don’t work – but do give us a starting point.
Try not to lower your calorie intake by more than 500 calories below maintenance.
Doing so may invoke the bodies starvation response, which can lead to the Yo-yo dieting effect.
Try to gradually lower calories. A sudden drop (such as 500 calories or more) can cause your metabolism to slow.
Learn to eat slowly – research shows that faster eaters are heavier people 1 .
- Muscle mass is broken down for energy (catabolism).
- Metabolic rate will begin to drop (typically) after 3 days of very low calories – this is related to, and compounded by the loss of muscle mass.
- With very low calories you risk sluggishness, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, and often irritability.
You are completely set-up for a regain in fat if you suddenly return to your previous eating patterns.
As your exercise level was already factored into the equation, there is NO NEED to subtract calories burned by exercise.
It is very hard to generalize exertion from exercise.
For the sake of simplicity we define exercise here as 20 minutes of elevated heart rate.
So, 3 times/week is 20 minutes of elevated heart rate 3 times per week. For you this could mean a brisk walk, for others it could be a slow jog.
Intense exercise can be defined as an hour of elevated heart rate (however intense workouts such as a series of body weight exercises (or heavy weights) with little or no breaks are considered intense even when only a shorter duration).
Have a play with our calories burned tool to see how different exercises compare.
We encourage you to include exercise in your lifestyle change: it helps to maintain muscle when under calorie deficit, and it’s great for your heart and mental state.
Macro Counting is a popular way of calorie-based weight loss because it is very personalized and unrestricted. It teaches dieters how to calculate their calorie needs (just like our calculator does above) as well as how many grams of carbs, fat, and protein (macros) they should be eating each day for weight loss.
No foods are off limits as long as they fit your daily macro amount.
Most people lose muscle mass when restricting calories. It takes great effort to maintain muscle tone – and it is even more tricky actually building muscle while losing fat.
There is a great resources for this.
- POPULAR Old School New Body from Steve Holman is a great program that focuses on shorter workouts (maximum 90 minutes per week), while losing fat and building muscle. Age is no excuse here as the author is ripped and in his 50s !
If you have the budget, calorie-controlled delivered meals are the most efficient way of getting the right nutrition, and achieving weight loss.
- POPULAR Diet-to-go is one of the best US-wide delivery programs. If your daily calories from the calculator is in the range of 1200-1500 then the Diet-to-go Balance plan may be a good fit for you. Note that prices are around $18-24 per day.
…I have used this calculator to help me lose weight. In total so far I have lost 50 pounds, I went from a size 14 to now a size 6-8…”
This calculator has been developed using the most accurate methodologies from peer-reviewed research. See the Calorie Needs Guide for a complete explanation.
По материалам www.freedieting.com